The Third workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing (REC08)
Georgia Institute of Technology
February 20-22, 2008 | Savannah, Georgia, USA
This workshop will focus on Imprecise Probability in Engineering Analysis and Design and its role in Reliable Engineering Computing.
This workshop is unique in combining computer science, mathematics, and engineering analysis and design to discuss the reliability of engineering computations, providing a common forum by which to continue cross-disciplinary advisements in the field.
Participants are expected to submit papers that will be published in the workshop proceedings and also will be available online from the workshop web site. After the workshop, selected papers will be published in a special issue(s) of a selected journal. The papers will go through the normal refereeing process.
Topics include but not limited to:
- The use of imprecise probability in engineering analysis
- Integration of various sources of errors and uncertainty using imprecise probability
- The use of imprecise probability in engineering design
July 01, 2007: Deadline for one page abstract submission
July 15, 2007: Notification of acceptance
November 01, 2007: Deadline for paper submission
Sponsors will be announced in the future
Coordination of the event is being provided by the Center for Reliable Engineering Computing at Georgia Tech Savannah.
Abstract Templates
[LaTeX Template]
[Microsoft Word Template]
Paper Templates
[LaTeX Template]
[PDF of LaTeX Template]
[Microsoft Word Template]
[PDF of Microsoft Word Template]